November 6, 2023 release notes

  • Reminder: An all-new sign-in experience starts on Friday, November 17, 2023. It's important to prepare your firm, staff, and clients for this change. Visit the following article for the latest news and updates: Prepare for a successful upgrade to the Thomson Reuters Account.
  • You can check the status of your online applications and services (such as CS Connect and Virtual Office CS) via our Online Product Status page.
  • You have the option to receive email notifications that alert you to scheduled system maintenance and GoFileRoom updates. We recommend that all GoFileRoom customers opt in. To manage your Thomson Reuters email notifications, go to Managing your Thomson Reuters email subscriptions.


On October 9, 2023, you received the New sign-in experience coming in November 2023 communication outlining our plans to make your Thomson Reuters sign-in experience easier and more secure. To allow for additional time to prepare for this upcoming change, these updates are now scheduled to release on
November 17, 2023
To stay up to date on the latest information and required action steps for your firm’s staff and NetClient CS customer base, go to Prepare now to upgrade to the Thomson Reuters Account. We encourage you and your firm’s administrators to visit this resource for up-to-date news and required action steps within GoFileRoom for a successful transition.
The following changes will be made to GoFileRoom and FirmFlow to accommodate the Thomson Reuters Account upgrade:
  • Firm Administrators can create new, and edit existing GoFileRoom Users as they have done in the past and the Thomson Reuters Account will be created and updated properly.
  • Previously
    Log Out
    was available by selecting your name, then
    My Account
    in GoFileRoom. This has been changed to
    Sign Out
    and this option can be used to end your Thomson Reuters Account session. This option will not terminate other TR applications already open and accessed, but will prompt another sign in upon accessing a subsequent applications.
  • Administrators will no longer have the ability to reset a user password in the User setup of GoFileRoom.
    Verify Password
    , and
    User must change password at next login
    have been removed. When creating a new user, the Thomson Reuters Account will send an email to the User requesting a password to be set.
  • GoFileRoom Preferences have been updated to include a link
    Manage Thomson Reuters Account
    to manage account settings like your password and two-factor authentication. It is no longer possible to change the password in
  • Muti-factor Authentication controls, configuration setting, and exclusions have been removed as two-factor authentication is now required.
  • Reports
    Security Report
    will remove the
    Must change password on next logon
    Force password change
    fields as security requirements are now structured by the Thomson Reuters Account and no longer apply to GoFileRoom. MFA Exclusions have also been removed from the application.
  • There have been changes to GoFileRoom’s Purge Policy Management as a result of the upcoming upgrade to the Thomson Reuters Account. It is recommended for staff in your Record Managers group to review the new process for policy approval. Visit the following Help resource to review the new sign-off procedures.
  • The
    GoFileRoom User Login
    field has been expanded to accept an increased number of characters and will align with the standards of the Thomson Reuters account. It is required to be a valid email address and can have up to 64 characters before the @ sign with a maximum of 256 characters total. The following rule describes the acceptable limits for an email address: [64 character email name]@[64 character domain pt1].[63 character domain pt2].[63 character domain pt3]
  • The following fields have been removed from the
    Manage Configurations
    Security tab: Password policies
    Bot Detection
    , and
    Lockout Threshold
    will be removed.
  • GoFileRoom system accounts (API user accounts, Support user, Upload user, and Admin user) will continue to sign in with the legacy authentication credentials and process.
  • For firms with Federated Single Sign-on implemented, we have removed the SSO URL from
    Manage Configurations
    . The Thomson Reuters Account has been updated with your reserved domains. Staff users should always access the application from In addition, the option to defederate a user account is no longer applicable.
  • Access to the Developer Portal and GoFileRoom APIs will continue to authenticate tokens with the user’s existing GoFileRoom username and password. You won't be required to establish a Thomson Reuters Account for user accounts that are used for API development only.
For more information about managing your Thomson Reuters Account, visit: Thomson Reuters Account help.

New GoFileRoom Add-in release: Important update

GoFileRoom has released a new GoFileRoom Add-in as of November 6, 2023. (Version 23.3.3). This update is an optional Add-in installation and can be deployed at your convenience. The update addresses a Script error message:
An error has occurred in the script on this page. Error: Script error.
The script error message is intermittent and can be ignored by selecting
as all GoFileRoom functions will operate as expected. We have provided this Add-in update to avoid a misleading message or distraction for your staff.
This GoFileRoom Add-In addresses a script error displayed upon sign in for organizations using Ping identity federation for Single Sign-on. Search your Windows applications for
GoFileRoom Sign In
to properly authenticate.

Security Enhancement for Federated Single Sign-on

If your firm has implemented Single Sign-on (SSO) functionality, it is now possible to exclude certain security Groups from the Federated SSO experience. You can setup these options from the
Manage Users & Groups
tab. It is also possible to remove the exclusion from the
group if your firm prefers to have all staff enjoy the Federated SSO experience.

Performance optimization improvements

  • GoFileRoom has been optimized to provide a better experience and increased speed when receiving email notification and alerts.
  • Improved timeliness of the SurePrep/GoFileRoom integration when creating a new binder and/or adding new documents within the
    Select GoFileRoom Documents
    window within SurePrep.
  • We have enhanced the
    Document Search
    screen to avoid situations where the application previously required a screen refresh. These changes will help you to navigate the search and access documents more efficiently.
  • The
    GoFileRoom Home page
    screen (
    My Alerts
    My Work
    My Recent Documents
    ) have all been improved to offer improved speed when accessing.

Issues resolved

  • We've resolved an issue within the GoFileRoom Document Preview, where Excel checkboxes and checkmarks wouldn't display properly in Excel. This release of GoFileRoom will now display checkboxes contained in the Excel document as expected. This was a display issue related to Excel Form Controls and other objects that were inserted into the worksheet and didn't impact the data integrity of your documents.
  • We've corrected an issue specific to UK region firms (, when setting up new Notifications rules and alerts. In certain situations, the Conditions of the rules screen shows up blank and did not list the Drawers properly. Part of this update, we have also resolved an issue while updating existing Notification Rules where the details could not be added back as the options were unavailable.
  • We've corrected the following issues for NetClient CS ClientFlow:
    • An error displayed when selecting
      Resend Email
      for an Unregistered NetClient portal customer from the GoFileRoom
    • Addressed uploading documents in ClientFlow for those folders that have an ampersand in the client name.
    • When adding a new User in ClientFlow, GoFileRoom failed to update them with NetClientCS Portal.

API and automation

Want to do more with your GoFileRoom data? Firm’s are investing in their digital transformation today and letting technology take over routine or otherwise manual tasks. We encourage you to visit the Thomson Reuters Developer Portal and register. This will give you access to APIs and resources that will drive new opportunities for your firm. For more in-depth information after registration, review our Getting Started Guide.
API enhancements and issues addressed on this release
Details on the new endpoints will be posted to the Thomson Reuters Developer Portal upon release.
New end points:
  • We've enhanced the
    Tracking Report By Deliverable
    Tracking Report By Workflow
    APIs to offer a quick “drill-down” feature that can be consumed from your business intelligence reporting tools and other 3rd party integrations that links directly to the GoFileRoom workflow. This enhancement gives you a creative way to lead your team to more details and saves time by taking them directly to the source. Provided in the API response is a new
    for every workflow detail, which can be used to open a workflow directly in the GoFileRoom browser (similar to
    Click here to open Firmflow
    URL functionality).
  • A new version of the Tracking Report by Workflow API {/api/v2/firmflowreports/TrackingReportByWorkFlow} endpoint has been created. In the API payload, we've added
    fields instead of
    field to return results based on the date or date range provided. DateTime that users pass in
    fields should be in standard ISO 8601 API format.
API issues resolved
  • We've corrected a 404 error response, when making {/api/v1/Workflow/GetNotes?filingId=} and {/api/v2/Workflow/EditWorkflow} API calls that use the
    to declare which workflow we want to edit or examine.
  • We have corrected a firm specific issue, where /api/v1/administration/{drawerID}/clients endpoint that fetches the Client Name and Client Number failed with the following error:
    Drawer does not contain Client Name and Client Number
Note for the Thomson Reuters Account migration on November 17, 2023:
Access to the Developer Portal and GoFileRoom APIs will continue to authenticate tokens with the user’s existing GoFileRoom username and password. You won't be required to establish a Thomson Reuters Account for user accounts that are used for API development only.

