Edit Microsoft Word and Excel files

Follow these steps to edit a Word or Excel document stored in GoFileRoom.
  • You must have permissions to edit drawers to complete this task.
  • Save changes often when working with documents in their source applications.
  1. Open the document you want to edit in the GoFileRoom viewer.
  2. Select
    in the viewer toolbar to open the document in its source application.
    • You can also open a Word or Excel document for editing from the Search Results screen by marking its checkbox, right-clicking, and selecting
      Edit Document
    • If another user has the same Word or Excel file open in Edit-Mode, a message will display indicating that user's ID. You won't be able to edit the document until that user saves it to GoFileRoom.
    • Document indexes are listed in the title bar of the source application.
  3. Close the document when you're finished editing.
  4. In the GoFileRoom window, select one of the following save options.
    • Save to GoFileRoom
      : if version control has been turned on for your firm, you can save the document as a new version. To do so, mark the
      As new version (v2)
      checkbox and add a description.
    • Save changes locally.
    • Ignore changes
  5. Select

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