Make Section 645 election for Form 8855

Form 8855 must be processed by the IRS to take full effect. The IRS prefers to have the election filed before Form 1041's filed. This ensures proper processing and minimizes the possibility of generating an erroneous IRS notice.
To make the election:
  1. Go to
    General Information
    Section 645 Election
    , and then
    Estate Information
  2. Select the option to make the election.
  3. Select the option to print Form 8855.
  4. Enter the estate/trust EIN.
  5. Select the type of entity prior to the election.
  6. Enter the date of the executor's appointment.
  7. Enter the name of the executor/filing trustee.
  8. Enter the signature line for the executor.
  9. Enter the domestic or foreign address for the estate/filing trust, including address, city, state, zip, or country and province.
  10. And lastly, enter the decedent information.


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