1040 Individual 23-3.4F


Pending releases

Release date:  3/1/2024
The following forms are not available with this release:
  • Form 3468
  • Form 3800
  • Form 4136
  • Form 5695
  • Form 5884
  • Form 6478
  • Form 6765
  • Form 8586
  • Form 8611
  • Form 8824
  • Form 8826
  • Form 8835
  • Form 8844
  • Form 8846
  • Form 8865
  • Form 8881
  • Form 8882
  • Form 8904
  • Form 8906
  • Form 8908
  • Form 8910
  • Form 8911
  • Form 8932
  • Form 8936
  • Form 8941
  • Tax Equalization (TEQ)
  • Election Statements
  • SRJD
  • Form 7203
  • Partner Basis Worksheet
  • We are targeting the release of
    Form 3800
    no later than April 1. Due to significant changes, this form will have limited automatic calculations but can still be e-filed. If your internal due dates don’t align with this timeline, consider extending your 1040 return.
  • We are updating the
    K-1 Transfer
    from 1065/1120S/1041 to 1040 to reflect new K-1 fields.
  • Form 1040NR, Schedule P
    is under development and will be available in a future release.
  • E-filing of
    Form 1116, Schedule C
    is under development and will be available in a future release.
  • We're aware when a partnership has more than one K-1 for the taxpayer, the application can't transfer multiple K-1s in 1 transfer. Currently, you have to transfer them one at a time. We’ll address this in a future release.
  • We're updating
    Form 6198
    , At risk to reflect the new Schedule K-1 Other income and Other deduction fields. This doesn't affect returns that don't contain these new Schedule K-1 fields.
  • Partnership basis worksheet
    is being updated to reflect form changes and the new Schedule K-1 Other income and Other deduction fields. We are blocking this worksheet from printing.
  • Form 7203, Shareholder Basis
    is being updated to reflect the new Schedule K-1 Other income and Other deduction fields. This doesn't affect returns that don't contain these new Schedule K-1 fields.
  • Schedule K-1 Review
    contains a note on the 1st page about a future update to reflect the new Schedule K-1 Other income and Other deduction fields. This doesn't affect returns that don't contain these new Schedule K-1 fields.
  • Schedule K-1 Reconciliation
    contains a note on the 1st page about a future update to reflect the new Schedule K-1 Other income and Other deduction fields. This doesn't affect returns that don't contain these new Schedule K-1 fields.

California LLC

The Letters and Filing Instructions are under development.


Form MO-WFTC is under development.


EST Estimated worksheet is under development.


Form 511-EIC is under development.

Pennsylvania Local

Berkheimer DQ1, the latest version of the estimated payment voucher, is still being composed.

South Carolina

1040ES Estimated worksheet is under development.


We added
Form 1040
, Forms or Other Schedule Change Statement to E-file. This is used when Form 8865 or Form 5471 has the corrected box marked.
We added filer's address line 2 to populate in the
Form 1040 E-file
We corrected a
FinCEN Form 114
issue where the self-employed checkbox was grayed out unless Firm Info is complete.


We fixed an issue where the Form 221-SBI diagnostic triggers incorrectly.


We added a print suppress option for Form 3582, Payment Voucher for Individual e-filed Returns.

California LLC

We added Form 3588, Payment Voucher for LLC e-filed Returns.


We updated e-file mapping changes for Form 104CR PassThroughEntity.


We have added additional instructions for Form IND-CR 214 in Organizer per state guidelines.


We adjusted Form 4562-A/B to transfer correctly to Form IA, Schedule I.


We updated Credit For taxes paid to other jurisdictions to comply with the OJC Surtax Worksheets.
We updated Estimate Worksheet, line 3 to properly calculate.


We addressed an issue where the nonresident income reported on Form 502, line 12 was overstated by the amount nonresident military pay.
We addressed the issue where Form 502CR, Part CC, line 9 wasn't printing.


We addressed an issue where the public and private retirement income reported on Form MI-4884, lines 12 and 14 of was reduced by military and railroad retirement income.


We resolved an issue on Form M1M, Page 1, line 12.


Kansas City tax forms need to be filed electronically using the Kansas City Revenue Division website. Refer to the Kansas City Electronic Filing Mandate section in Organizer.


We resolved an issue were "F1040N-0203: TotNeIncTaxWithheldAmt (line 30) must equal the total of lines 30a through line 30d." was triggering incorrectly in the e-file diagnostic.
We corrected print for Form NOL, lines 23, 24 and 32.


We updated the Ohio Estimate Filling Instructions to the new filing address for Ohio Estimate Vouchers.
We resolved an issue on Ohio Estimate Vouchers where the scan line can be incorrect when there's no payment due.


We unblocked the print for the Ohio RITA Exemption form.


We resolved a validation error for Form Sch511C, Oklahoma Adjustments, Page 5, line 5.


We updated Form 40, Page 3, line 10 to populate correctly.
We addressed a filing address error.


We corrected an e-file issue for Form 1040 TY2023 to generate information in Form760PY, line 11 in e-file.
We corrected an e-file issue for Form 1040 TY2023 to generate information in Schedule A, line 17 and line 19 in e-file.
We updated the schema for Form 760PY E-File (1040 Virginia E-file Reject 760PY-227 and 760PY-240) to capture line 12.


We updated Form IN-152 rates on line 9a and line 9b calculations.


We resolved the Wisconsin Schedule FC-A print issue.
We resolved the Wisconsin Reject Code F1-060 issue.


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