1065 Partnership 23-3.3F


Pending releases

Release date: 2/23/2024
Form 7205
, Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings Deduction is pending release.


The following items are still pending for Form AR1100:
  • Page 3, lines 5, 15, and 18
  • Page 4, Section C, line 3


Forms 1065XN & 1065N-ES are pending development.

New Mexico

We are currently developing organizer inputs and computations for Form PTE, line 17.


Form OR-QUP-CAT is pending release.


Schedule K-2 and K-3
, In Organizer, when you go to Foreign Information, then Ptr Distributive Share-International, then K-2,K-3 Activation and General Info, we removed the override fields for Parts of Federal Schedule K-2 for tax year 2023 for 1065 tax returns. This is also true for the federal Schedule K-3 override fields on the Partner Information Organizer screens.
We realigned the print for
Form 5471
, Schedule Q, Page 4.
We updated the logic for
Form 5471,
Schedule J, line 2b, Column B.
We modified the input for
Form 926
, Page 2, line 12.


We updated the logic for the tax year beginning and ending e-file diagnostics.
We modified Form 65, Page 5, Schedule L, line 21 to match the corresponding Federal amount.


We corrected the formula that was causing California Schedule K-1, Side 2, Item L or K to double.


We corrected the print overlap for Colorado Form 106, Page 1, Item B and C.


We removed the link between the e-file enable checkbox and the Form 740-PTET checkbox.


We corrected print issues, including Schedule K-1 package print, for PTE-AGR Owner Tax Agreement.


We altered letters and filing instructions to display payment applied to next year’s estimated payments.
We modified the print location for the partner title in the signature block on Form 1065N.
We updated the print locations on Schedule K-1N for Nebraska receipts and total receipts.

New Jersey

We corrected the checkbox print for Form 1065E.
We corrected the print for Form NJ-1065, Page 1 to prevent barcode print on multiple iterations of Page 1.
We altered the transfer of data for Schedule O, Part 1, Column A, lines 4 to 8 to match the corresponding lines on Schedule A.
We updated the schema to prevent validation errors related to BusinessLocation.

North Carolina

We updated the e-file schema to correct validation errors related to NC-NPA reference ID.


We updated the short-year validation for Form OR-CAT returns.
We corrected the Line 12 income threshold calculation for OR-CAT.


We removed the watermark from Forms RK1 and NRK1.

South Carolina

We changed the e-file schema to address ReturnTs validation errors.


We enabled various Direct K-1 fields for Schedule K-1VT.


We updated the print for Schedule 3K-1 items B5, F-1, F-2, F-3, F-5, G and H.


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