1065 Partnership 23-3.3T


Pending releases

Release date: 2/20/2024
Form 7205, Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings Deduction is pending release.


The following forms are pending for future release:
  • AR1155-PET
  • AR2220-PET
  • AR2220A-PET
  • AR1100PTV
  • AR1100BIC
  • AR1100NOL
  • AR1100REC
  • AR-AIS
  • AR-K1FE,
  • AR1055-CR Voucher
  • AR8453-CR


We haven't yet developed the aggregate percentage of ownership on the workpaper for K-120S, Page 2, line 31.

New Mexico

We are currently still developing organizer inputs and computations for Form PTE, line 17.


Form OR-QUP-CAT is pending release.


For Schedule K-2 and K-3, In Organizer, when you go to Foreign Information, then Ptr Distributive Share-International, then K-2,K-3 Activation and General Info, we removed the override fields for Parts of Federal Schedule K-2 for tax year 2023 for 1065 tax returns. This is also true for the federal Schedule K-3 override fields on the Partner Information Organizer screens.
We corrected Schedule K-1, line 20zz to prevent improper e-file rejects.
We restored the Form 1042 e-file delete function.
We modified organizer descriptions for Schedule B, lines 31 & 28.


We corrected the e-file schema for the element FiscalYearEnd.
We made various upgrades and corrections to improve data flow from Form BI-477 to Forms BI-471, BI-472 and BI-473.


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