1065 Partnership 23-3.4F


Pending releases

Release date: 3/1/2024
Form 7205
, Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings Deduction is pending release.
We released an excel template for
Form 1042
.  The excel template uses the Tax Return Import method and an API call to complete the import.
You must have a license for Data Connection to use that feature to import. Contact a sales representative for activation.
You can download the templates for 1120 and 1065 on the File downloads page.
1040 and 1041 filers can use either the 1120 or 1065 tax application to e-file the forms as long as you have an EIN number. The IRS does not support SSNs in those schemas for the withholding agent(s).


The following items are still pending for
: Page 3, lines 5, 15, and 18; and Page 4, Section C, line 3.

New Mexico

We are currently still developing organizer inputs and computations for
Form PTE
line 17.


The following forms are pending development:
Form 1065XN
Form 1065N-ES


The following forms are pending for future release:


In Organizer, for Foreign Information, Ptr Distributive Share-International, on the
K-2,K-3 Activation and General Info
, we removed the override fields for applicable Parts of Federal Schedule K-2 for tax year 2023 for 1065 tax returns.
The same is true for the respective federal
Schedule K-3 override
fields on the Partner Information Organizer screens. These fields were in the tax year 2022 tax application because at the start of the 2022 tax year there was still some uncertainty on whether the IRS would allow Schedules K-2 and K-3 to be PDF e-filed. The IRS decided to
allow PDF e-filing for tax year 2022 and only allowed xml e-filing. Thus, for tax year 2022 we added CAUTION within the tax application to not use these fields for XML e-filed returns. For tax year 2023, we removed these Organizer fields from the 1065 tax application because these fields on the Tax Forms are automatically determined and cannot be overridden. For tax year 2023, you can
e-file an XML Schedules K-2 and K-3
. You
cannot e-file a PDF for Schedules K-2 and K-3
We modified data transfer from the
Form 8879-PE
Organizer to the signature date field.
We corrected
Form 8283
, Page 1, Part 1, Column 1 formulas and field attributes.
We updated
dropdown menu selections for Part V, Line 23.


We corrected the print for Form 565, Side 6, Schedule M-2, line 3.
We modified the print for California 3804, Page 2.
We modified the print for Form 568, Schedule R, Side 3, Part A Total Sales, Column B.


We changed Form PTE-12, Column D and E tax rates to 5.8%.


We created a new 740-PTET checkbox in the organizer.
We altered the calculation for PTET-CR, line 6 for resident and nonresident partners.


We updated the print reference for the 2022 amount from Schedule PTET, line 2 statement detail.

New Jersey

We updated computations to transfer data from Schedule A to NJ-1065, lines 1 to 11 for tiered partnerships.
We corrected the print for separate accounting type on NJ-1065, Schedule A, Part 2.
We modified the e-file schema to prevent the validation error NewJerseyPercentages.


We corrected an issue in the e-file schema that caused short year validation errors.


We updated various formulas and logic for VTK-1.
We corrected the logic on BI-471, Page 2, line 11 to flow information from WH-435.


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