1065 Partnership 23-4.5F


Pending releases

Release date: 4/26/2024
Form 7205
, Energy-Efficient Commercial Buildings Deduction is pending the release of the e-file part.
We released an excel template for
Form 1042
.  The excel template uses the Tax Return Import method and an API call to complete the import.
You'll need a license for Data Connection to use that feature to import. Contact a sales representative for activation.
You can download the templates for 1120 and 1065 on the File downloads page.


We added the calculations and e-file for AR1100NOL. Print is still pending.


Form 1065XN is pending development.


Form OR-QUP-CAT is pending release.


We added a checkbox on the
Depreciation Compute and Print Options Organizer
to let all depreciation assets transfer to New York City. Also, we added a note to the state depreciation asset screen, preceding the New York entry line, to alert clients to this and the New York State similar option. Note: This option already exists on the same Organizer screen for New York State.
When an entry is made on
Federal Organizer/Activity Information
, Pass-Through Entity, Pass-Through Entity Activity, K-1 Line, lines 1-15 for non-portfolio short-term capital gain (loss) and/or non-portfolio long-term capital gain (loss), the data will transfer to the lines on the Pass-Through Entity schedule, Schedule D, and on Schedules K, line 11 and K-1, line 11s.These amounts will
transfer to Schedule K and Schedule K-1, lines 8 and 9a.
We corrected the country code errors on
Form 1042S
, lines 12h and 13b.
We fixed the issue causing general statements not to print for
Schedule K-1
, line 20z.


We corrected an e-file reference error related to AR1100REC depreciation.


We updated the credit codes for the DK-1 import function.


We updated the MS 84-132 other deductions coded items print.

New Jersey

We modified Schedule A, Part II, line 3 checkbox logic so that you can make a selection even if you enter NONE in line 2J.


We corrected the e-file schema related to binary attachment submission errors.


We corrected the e-file schema to display financial transaction data when an overpayment is present in the return.


We expanded the items presented on Schedule K-1, line 16 Other Deductions.


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