1120 Corporate 23-5.5F

  • Get the latest on open issues by reviewing Alerts and notices.
  • Go to the main page for your product, select
    Data imports and exports
    workbooks and other files such as
    Form 1042
    templates and
    Client Code Import
    files added on this release.
  • Availability of state releases can be found in the Home screen, Forms Availability.
  • Go to Tax Year 2022 Release Notes for 2022 release information to see 2022. On the side menu, select Tax Year 2022 Release Notes.

Pending releases

Release date: 6/28/2024
We released an excel template for
Form 1042
.  The excel template uses the Tax Return Import method and an API call to complete the import.
We’ve also just released two new templates on this release
1065 Partner Special Allocation Import
Client Code Import
to make your importing tasks easier. These templates work with either the data connection or the tax return import method.
You can download all templates and files by selecting
Data imports and exports
to open the file downloads on the product main page.
You'll need a license for Data Connection to use that feature to import. Contact a sales representative for activation.


We added automatic computations for penalty and interest to
Form 5297, Page 2, lines 49 and 50. These replace organizer data entry.
We corrected the
Net Operating Loss Carryover Deduction Applied computation for taxable years beginning pre-2021.
We suppressed blank statements that were printing for
Form 4562A under certain conditions.
We added print for
Form 63D-ELT, Page 2.
We corrected
Form M4T, Page 2, line 28 print.
We added the ability to suppress
TPD Tax Position print.
We corrected
Form 1120, Page 2 officer name.
We corrected the computation for
Combined CIT, Page 5, line 4.
We corrected the organizer amount for "
New Hampshire
current IRC 179 deduction" displayed in NH Asset detail.
We updated print for
New Jersey
Form PTE-100, Page 2 so that the correct number of shareholders print per page.
We updated the
New Jersey
Form 500-P Worksheet so that it populates when the first three years are blank.
We updated print for
CCA 120-17BR, Part B municipality.
We corrected the year-end date in the
e-file XML for short-year returns.
We corrected the computation for
Rhode Island
Schedule PTE, lines 7-9 when the amount is less than $1,000.
We corrected the
Rhode Island
Schedule K-1, Section V, line 2 calculation.


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