Action items

Action items are tasks that need your attention. You can find Action items on your homepage. Your company's system settings, your system role, and your preference settings actively determine the options available to you.
Action items in Legal Tracker
Action item
Invoices pending your review
This also includes those moved forward or proforma'd. The number includes only those invoices for which you're a primary, alternate, or extra reviewer. Your alternate for the invoice approval route also gets this alert.
Timekeeper rates
If you're a designated timekeeper rate reviewer, you're notified that timekeeper rates are ready for review.
Budgets pending approval
Alerts will come your way if the law firm adjusts its budget or if you manage financial data for a matter with a set company budget.
Accruals pending review
If the firm has entered its unbilled amounts, your company requires review of unbilled amounts and you're responsible for the financial data in a matter. 
Upcoming timesheets
The number of upcoming timesheets and their due date.
Service of process errors
Those that need your review.
Service of process intake items
Those that need a response.
Documents to review
If you're an editor or administrator on a matter and any matter participant posts a document for review.
Pending posting jobs.
Matter intake items
Pending items that need attention.
The number of pending evaluations assigned to you.

Who gets alerts for action items?

  • A matter participant with a matter role of matter administrator or matter editor (this automatically includes lead company persons or lead outside counsel).
  • Any person who has access to the matter because the person is a delegate of a matter participant who is a matter administrator or matter editor.

Who doesn't receive alerts for action items?

  • Any person who has access to the matter solely because they have a system role of company system administrator. These people can view all company matters but don't receive action Items alert solely because of their system role.
  • Any person who has access to the matter solely because of special matter access privileges (Example:they've been set up to have access to all matters within a given organizational unit or practice group.).