Set up Tracker Coordinators

The Tracker Coordinator (TC) is the person responsible for implementing Legal Tracker and is your main contact at your company or law firm.
TCs are your first level of support for questions you have about using the application. Your TC's name is on every page. Also, the TC's name and email address are in new user emails sent to a new company or law firm.

Set up Tracker Coordinators

You can set up a primary and backup TC. When the primary Tracker Coordinator is isn't available, your company or law firm and Thomson Reuters will contact the backup Tracker Coordinator.
, then
Company Setup
Company Settings
, and
Edit company profile

Backup Coordinators

The application doesn't show the Backup Coordinators at the bottom of each page. Instead, you'll need to refer to the
profile pages.
Both TCs and Backup TCs can change the person in these roles within their responsible area.