System roles

Every user gets a system role that determines the system-level activities they can do.
The system role is different from and unrelated to the matter role. For example, you can have a system role of Company Office Administrator but might only have a matter role of Matter Reader. To check your system role, go to your Account settings.
System roles for company users
System role
Company System Administrator
Has full access to all matters and all setup pages.
Company Office Administrator
Can administer user accounts assigned to their own office and/or be the designated Tracker Coordinator. Doesn't have access to system setup nor any matters.
Company Matter Creator
Can create matters and added as a direct matter participant to all matters they create.
Company user
Doesn't have the ability to create matters and doesn't have access to any matters.
System roles for law firm users
System role
Law Firm Administrator
When a company creates a new firm account in Tracker, the 1st user for that law firm is automatically assigned the role of Firm Administrator.
A Firm Administrator can:
  • Create, edit, and turn off user accounts for the entire firm
  • Reset passwords for users
  • Edit the firm profile
  • Post invoices to any matter
Unlike the System Administrator for a company, a Firm Administrator can't access data other than financial information for all matters.
Only a user with the system role of Law Firm Administrator can assign this role.
For security reasons, law firms should have a limited number of Firm Administrators.
Firm Office Administrator
Each firm office can have a user designated as the Firm Office Administrator, and if a firm has more than 1 office, each office needs a Firm Office Administrator assigned. Users with this role can:
  • Create, edit, and turn off user accounts for that office only
  • Reset passwords for users in that office only
  • Post invoices to any matter
While the Firm Office Administrator can post invoices to any matter, the Firm Administrator can limit the Office Administrator to viewing only the invoices and attachments from that office.
Firm user + billing
Typically assigned to billing clerks. They can post invoices to any matter.
For small firms, all users might be given this role so that everyone has the ability to post invoices to all matters and to view all invoices in the system.
3rd party biller
They can submit invoices on behalf of the firm and can post invoices to any matter. They don't have access to other matter information.
Firm user
Assign this system role to most users, such as attorneys, legal assistants, and paralegals. This role has access to matters and can post invoices only to the matters to which they have access.