Select special depreciation allowance

A 30% special depreciation allowance is allowed for certain property placed in service after 9/10/2001, 50% allowance allowed for post 5/5/2003, 100% allowance for post 9/8/2010, and 40% allowance for post 12/31/2017.
To select this special depreciation allowance:
  1. In
    Asset Detail
    , go to the
    Special Depreciation Allowance under 168(k)
  2. In the
    Special Depreciation Allowance and ITC type
    field, select the appropriate allowance on post 9/10/2001 assets.
  3. Enter the basis reduction, if needed.
  4. Select the option for the asset not to be eligible for special depreciation (AMT adjustment computation applies for assets placed in service after 12/31/2015). This'll calculate the special allowance deduction for any selected qualifying asset.
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