Use Workpapers Excel Add-in to create an import file for ONESOURCE International Tax Calculator

To create a file for the International Tax Calculator Data Extractor to import earnings and profits and tax pool history from ONESOURCE Income Tax - International, follow these steps.
  1. Open Excel and go to
    , and then
    Field Browser
  2. Drag the field description
    Summary Ending E&P and Taxes for ITC Import
    to cell A1. Make sure to use the drag function so the Function Wizard opens.
  3. Complete the following fields in the Function Wizard:
    You can create a worksheet in your Excel workbook with this information and then reference those cells.
    1. Search Type = By Consolidation
    2. Consolidated Entity Name
    3. Consolidated Entity Number
    4. Consolidated Binder Name
    5. Consolidated Binder Number
    6. Member Entity Number = All (Perpetual) or All (Point in Time)
  4. Select
  5. Select
    as the Target Range. A2 is the cell to reference; otherwise, the ITC Data Extractor won't recognize the file.
  6. Change the name of this current worksheet as

Section 952C & Deficits

To create a file for the ITC Data Extractor to import Section 952c deferred subpart F income and qualified deficits from ONESOURCE Income Tax - International, follow the previous set of instructions except select the following field target name -
Summary Ending Foreign Deficits for ITC Import
. Also rename the worksheet to
952c & Deficits