Add-in settings

The configurations in
Add-in Settings
apply to
all workpapers
Add-in settings
Option - Calculation
Cache GETs (retrieved data)
Cache data retrieved from the products for up to 7 minutes. During that time, the cached data won't be retrieved from the product again, even if the GET formulas are re-executed, unless a Retrieve data action's invoked from the Add-in's Excel ribbon. The GET-data cache is automatically cleared if any data's sent to any product (by executing a SET formula) or if this setting's turned off. It's also cleared when Excel's closed. This setting's on by default. Any changes to this setting only apply for the rest of the Excel session and aren't saved anywhere.
Allow SETs (sending of data) to run interactively
Automatically pushes data to the products whenever a TRSetField or TRSetRange formula's executed. When this setting's off, data's only pushed to the products when a Send data action's invoked from the Add-in's Excel ribbon. This setting's off by default. Any changes to this setting only apply for the rest of the Excel session and aren't saved anywhere.
Disable automatic calculation of Workpapers formulas
Freezes the results of any workpapers formula. When this setting's on, no data's pushed to or pulled from the products whenever a Workpapers formula's executed, and any existing timestamps are preserved whenever possible. This setting's useful when a filter's applied to a sheet with many Workpapers formulas or when entire rows and columns are being hidden, shown, inserted, or deleted since Excel triggers a recalculation of the formulas in the sheet whenever any of these actions are performed. When you disable automatic calculation, the formula cell displays #Ready to pull for GET operations and #Ready to push for SET operations. If a Retrieve data or Send data action's invoked form the Add-in's ribbon, this setting will be ignored and data will be retrieved from or sent to the product. This setting's off by default. Any changes to this setting only apply for the rest of the Excel session and aren't saved anywhere.
Disable coloring of GET/SET target cells
Disables the coloring of the target range for TRGetField and TRSetField formulas. When this setting's on, the Add-in doesn't color the cells where TRGetField formulas write data pulled from the product or the cells whose data TRSetField formulas push to the product. This setting may allow these formulas to execute a little more quickly, but it prevents the coloring of target ranges for new or modified TRGetField or TRSetField formulas. The coloring added by formulas that have already been executed isn't removed. This setting's off by default. Any changes to this setting are saved, but will only be visible to the user who made the change.
Disable the validation of data types of TRSetRange formulas
Prevents the Add-in from performing a type validation on the data in the target range of TRSetRange formulas. For example, if a TRSetRange attempts to send data to a 3-column table where the first column's expected to be a numeric ID and the third column's expected to be a date, the Add-in normally ensures that the first column only contains numbers and that the third column only contains valid dates before attempting to send the data to the product. This validation's bypassed when this setting's on, allowing the data to be sent more quickly to the product. The disadvantage of this is that, if the table being sent contains invalid information, you'll have to wait for the product to process the invalid data and return the corresponding error messages. This setting's off by default. Any changes to this setting are saved, but will only be visible to the user who made the change.
Option - Attribute
Cache attribute data retrieved from the server
Caches attribute data retrieved from the server for up to 24 hours. During that time, the cached data won't be retrieved from the server again. Currently, attribute data refers to the list of datasets that you can associate with a given workpaper when saving it to the Platform. The attribute-data cache is automatically cleared when Excel is closed. This setting's on by default. Any changes to this setting only apply for the rest of the Excel session and aren't saved anywhere.
Option - General
Enable error logging for the current user
If you enable logging, the logs are saved to the Documents directory on your local workstation.
User single sign-on
Select this option to use your company credentials instead of the ONESOURCE credentials for authentication. Contact your implementer to confirm you're eligible to use this feature.
Option - Proxy
Enter the URL if you're using a proxy server.
Enter the number of the proxy server port.
Enter credentials
This field becomes available when you enter a URL. Insert your username and password.

Workbook settings

The configurations in
Workbook Settings
apply to
Workbook settings
Option - Instance
The Product is already set by a combination of your username and registration.
Select the product instance to associate with the workpaper.
Option - Account Info
(tab only available for Client Manager firms or ONESOURCE Firm Edition)
Option - Calculation
Disable GET/SET coloring (for new formulas in this workbook)
Select this option to disable the coloring of target cells for TRGetField and TRSetField formulas in the current workbook. This setting doesn't affect other workbooks.