Choose Boolean connectors

In addition to choosing terms for your Terms and Connectors search, you must also choose proximity connectors to specify the relationships between your search terms.
Grammatical connectors
Search terms must appear in the same paragraph (ex: hearsay /p utterance).
The first search term must precede the second term in the same paragraph (ex: ti(burke +p burke)).
Search terms must appear in the same sentence (ex: design /s defect).
The first search term must precede the second term in the same sentence (ex: attorney +s fee).
Numerical connectors
Search terms must appear within "n" terms of each other, where "n" is a number from 1 to 255 (ex: personal /3 jurisdiction).
The first search term must precede the second term by "n" terms, where "n" is a number from 1 to 255 (ex: capital +3 gain).
BUT NOT connector (%)
You can exclude documents that contain certain terms by using the BUT NOT connector (%). Westlaw excludes everything that follows the BUT NOT connector in your search.
For example, the query "tax taxation % income /3 tax taxation" retrieves any document that contains the terms "tax" or "taxation," but excludes documents where those terms appear within 3 words of "income."
Use Advanced Search if you want to use an AND connector (&) or an OR connector (represented by a space) in Westlaw.

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