Expand your research with Knowledge Map

Use the Knowledge Map as another way to browse Practical Law content. Explore routes through all types of related content and use the instant preview to decide what's relevant.
The Knowledge Map plots your chosen resource at the center of a map, with rings for each level of related content, and segments for different content types. The following functions of the Knowledge Map help make your research faster and more productive:
  • A preview pane helps you quickly decide whether a selected resource is relevant
  • Instant refresh means that each time you select a resource, your Knowledge Map expands to include the next level of related content
  • Map segments help you identify content by type, such as
    Practice Notes
    , or
  • Zoom and pan controls help you shift the focus of your research with ease
  • Resources Previewed
    keeps track of the documents you've selected from you map, so that you can choose which to save to a research folder, email, print, or download
  • The
    Search bar
    helps you find new content, which you can select to start a new Knowledge Map and change the direction of your research
Knowledge Map
buttons appear when you browse a list of resources. You can also open a Knowledge Map from any open resource if you select
Explore related content
, then
Knowledge Map
Knowledge Map example
A Knowledge Map for a Practice Note called Artificial Intelligence for Health Care Providers: Overview Practice Note. The title of this Practice Note is at the center of the Map. Around the center are titles of related content presented in a ring, which is divided into 6 segments: Topics, Toolkits, Legal Updates, Articles, Checklists, and Practice Notes. A pop-up panel shows a preview of contents of the selected document.

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