Accounts Receivable Summary report

The Accounts Receivable Summary report gives you the status of your accounts receivable. The report combines both A/R aging and recap.
Accounts Receivable is the total of unpaid invoices, unpaid service charges, unapplied receipts, and open A/R adjustments. Open items are items not applied, including invoices, receipts, service charges, debit memos, NSFs, credit memos, and write-offs.
Do the following to view and print the Accounts Receivable Summary report:
  1. Select
    Print Reports
  2. In the Print Reports screen, go to the available reports pane and select
    Accounts Receivable Summary
This report includes the following information for the date range that you specify:
  • ID, Name/Description:
    ID and names of the items you have selected for grouping the report
  • Beg Bal:
    A/R balance on the first day of the specified report date range
  • Invoices:
    Total invoiced amount of invoices with a date in the report date range
  • Receipts:
    Total amount of receipts with a date in the report date range
  • Svc Chg:
    Total service charges assessed
  • Adj:
    Total adjustments
  • Aging periods:
    How many periods old the owed amounts are
  • End Bal:
    Ending balance for the date range specified on the report. Ending balance = beginning balance + invoices - receipts + service charges + adjustments.
The Layout tab for this report includes 2 options to refine the report output.
  • Mark the
    Exclude Clients with a zero ending balance
    checkbox to limit the report to those clients who had balances at the end of the specified period.
  • Mark the
    Include Open Items Detail
    checkbox to include invoice detail for client balances.