Help videos and documents in the Practice CS library

You can use the Help and Support center for information about how to use and operate Practice CS. However, for new customers or those looking for basic instructive information, Practice CS has a library where you can find many of the videos and PDFs.
Do the following to view a help video or document in the Practice CS Library:
  1. Go to the Home dashboard and select the view tab that has the Practice CS Library portlet.
  2. Select
    Help Videos & PDFs
  3. Search the list and select a video to open the demonstration or a document to open it in Adobe Acrobat.
    • To view videos, you'll need Flash Player version 7.0 or later installed.
    • To view a PDF document, you'll need Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Acrobat Reader installed. You can get the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader from
The items available on the Help Videos and PDFs include:
  • Videos:
    Short animated demonstrations for selected operations in Practice CS
  • General Documents:
    The Getting Started guide and Sample Reports guide
  • WalkThroughs:
    Self-training guides for each of the major functions in Practice CS plus the add-on modules.
  • Credit Card Processing:
    document that describes how to set up Credit card processing through Kotapay (formerly InterceptEFT)
  • Kotapay application for credit card processing
  • ACH Processing:
    documents on how to set up and use ACH payment processing
  • Kotapay application for ACH processing
    and other related documents
  • Other ACH Related Documents
  • Conversion Guide for conversion from Creative Solutions Practice:
    CSP/Practice CS Reports Comparison guide used to find equivalent or similar reports in Practice CS
  • Sample Engagement and Activity Lists:
    A suggested Engagement/Activity structure submitted by a Practice CS customer for use by other firms setting up Practice CS
  • Mobile CS Getting Started Guide