Preview screen overview

The Preview screen lets you view reports, invoices, statements, letters, and labels before printing. The screen also provides a way to trace data on a report.
To open the Preview screen, do one of the following.
  • Reports
    : Select
    Print Reports
    . Select a report from the reports list and then select
    Preview Selected
  • Invoices & Statements
    : Select
    Print Invoices & Statements
    . Select an invoice or statement, and then select
    Preview Selected
  • Labels & Letters
    : Select
    Print Labels & Letters
    . Select options for the output and then select
    Preview Selected
  • Custom formats (applies to all)
    : Select
    Custom Formats
    . Right-click a format in the list, select
    , and then select
    Magnifying glass on the toolbar. Select a statement or invoice, or select options for your report, letter, or labels, and then select
    . The Preview will open in a separate window.

Drilling down into report data (Reports only)

Most reports displayed in the Preview screen are interactive. You can select items in the report to trace the data back to its origins. When you move your pointer over data that is interactive, the pointer changes from an arrow to a hand. For some data, such as total amounts, selecting the item within the Preview screen lets you "drill down" to another report showing the relevant source data. For other data, selecting the item will open the screen where the data was originally entered.
After you move away from the Preview screen, you can return by selecting Back button on the toolbar.

Navigating the preview using the toolbar

The toolbar on the Preview screen provides tools for navigating through multiple-page documents, finding text within a document, toggling between single-page and multiple-page view, zooming in or out, and returning to a main report from a subsidiary report.
Table of Contents
Select this button to display a table of contents panel on the left of the Preview screen. The table of contents lists the various groupings selected for the document and lets you select a grouping to jump to that part of the document.
Sends the displayed document to the printer you've selected in the Print window. You can open the Print window from the preview by choosing File, then Print.
Copies the contents of the displayed document so that you can paste it into another document.
Searches for words or character strings within the displayed document.
Single Page View
Displays the document preview one page at a time.
Multiple Page View
Displays the document preview multiple pages at one time. In multiple page view, you can choose to view up to nine pages (3 x 3) at the same time.
Continuous Scroll
Scrolls continuously through a multi-page report using the scrollbar instead of using the next page / previous page buttons.
Zoom Out
Zooms out from the document (minimum size 10 percent).
Zoom In
Zooms in on the document (maximum size 800 percent).
Zoom drop-down list
Manually enter a zoom percentage or select a percentage from the drop-down list. You can also select Page Width or Whole Page.
First Page
Go to first page of the document.
Previous Page
Go to previous page of the document.
Next Page
Go to next page of the document.
Last Page
Go to last page of the document.