CSUS02 e-file error

An attachment's name is invalid; the name of the attached PDF file must be less than 49 characters and must not contain 2 consecutive spaces.
There's a PDF attached to the e-file with a file name that has either 49 or more characters, or 2 consecutive spaces.


  1. Open the rejected return.
  2. Select
    , then
    Electronic Filing Attachments
  3. For each attachment, select
    to check the file name.
    The file name might differ from the attachment title. This error is only related to the file name.
  4. For any attachment with a file name that's 49 or more characters, or has more than 2 consecutive spaces:
    1. Select
      to remove the attachment.
    2. Find the file on your computer or network and re-name it.
    3. Reattach the file to the return.
  5. Re-create and retransmit the e-file.


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