F1040NR-065 e-file error

At least one of the following must have a non-zero value on Form 1040NR: 'TotalECIAmt' or 'AdjustedGrossIncomeAmt' or 'TaxAmt' or 'TotalCreditsAmt' or 'TotalTaxAmt' or 'TotalPaymentsAmt' unless Schedule D (Form 1040) or Form 8582 or Form 8962 is present in the return. (rule F1040NR-065)
This error happens when there's no income, tax, credits, or payments reported on the tax return. For example, you'll get this error if the only income on the return is a passive loss and the loss is disallowed.


You need to file the return on paper with Form 8948.


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