F8962-049 e-file error

If Form 8962, Line 2b 'TotalDependentsModifiedAGIAmt' has a non-zero value, then Form 1040 or Form 1040A, Line 6c(2) 'DependentSSN' must have a value. (value, rule F8962-049)
You'll get this error message if you enter an amount on Form 8962, line 2b, but don't claim a dependent on Form 1040.


  1. Go to the Coverage screen in the Health Care folder.
  2. Remove any amounts in
    Dependents' modified AGI for Individual Responsibility
  3. In Forms view, go to Form 8962.
  4. Delete any overrides on the form.
  5. Recreate and retransmit the return.


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