FW2-001-02 e-file error

The sum of all Form W-2s, 'WagesAmt' must not be greater than the sum of ['WagesSalariesAndTipsAmt' in the return and (sum of all Schedule C (Form 1040),'TotalGrossReceiptsAmt' when 'StatutoryEmployeeFromW2Ind' is checked)] unless Form 8958 or Form 8839 is present in the return. When evaluating this, a tolerance of $5.00 is allowed. (rule FW2-001-02)
You'll get this error if: Form 8958 or 8839 isn't included in the return, and total W-2 wages are greater than the sum of Form 1040, line 7 and line 1 of all of Schedule Cs and C-EZs that have the
Statutory employee
checkbox marked.


Review the following amounts and fields, and correct any errors or overrides.
  1. The
    screen, in the
    folder. Make a note of the total of all the W-2 wages.
  2. Line 1 of all Schedule Cs or C-EZs that have the
    Statutory employee
    checkbox marked. Make a note of the total of all the line 1 amounts.
  3. The
    screen, in the
  4. Form 1040, Line 7. This amount shouldn't be greater than the amount from step 1 plus the amount from step 2.
If you don't find anything to correct, you can paper file the return or contact the IRS e-file Help Desk at 866-255-0654.


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