E-file errors or rejections arising from name control force fields

When the IRS processes e-files, they compare the 1st 4 letters of the client's last name (known as the name control) to the information on file with the Social Security administration.

Data entry tips to avoid rejection

You enter the
Last name
on the
  • It's ok if the last name is cut off on the return;
  • the name control is based on the first 4 letters.
  • If there's a suffix, enter a comma after the last name, a space, then the suffix without a period. For example, Wilson, Jr.
  • If the last name includes the mother's maiden name as a suffix, include that in the
    Last name
  • Enter middle names in
    First name
    , not
    Last name


If the name control doesn't match what the information on file, the IRS will reject the return. You may receive the following rejections or e-file errors:
  • Error Code R0000-500.
  • Error Code R0000-503.
  • Error Code R0000-504.
  • Error Code F1310-518.


  1. Verify that you entered the Social Security Number (SSN) and last name correctly.
  2. If you entered them correctly, the client should contact the Social Security Administration and the IRS to verify the SSN and last name on file.
  3. If the information can be corrected by the IRS or Social Security Administration and you can still file it timely, re-create and retransmit the e-file. If the information can't be corrected but you know what name control the IRS expects, you can force the name control. To do this, us the
    Taxpayer name control (Force)
    and/or the
    Spouse name control (Force)
    on the


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