Use IRS Publication 517 clergy worksheets

UltraTax CS includes the IRS Publication 517 clergy worksheets related to income and deduction items for ministers and religious works in individual tax returns. The worksheets calculate the following items:
  • A minister's percentage of tax-free income (Worksheet 1, Figuring the Percentage of Tax-Free Income).
  • The allowable deduction of expenses for church-related income reported on Schedule C (Worksheet 2, Figuring the Allowable Deduction of Schedule C or C-EZ expenses.
  • A minister's self-employment (SE) tax using the minister's percentage of tax-free income (Worksheet 4, Figuring Self-Employment Income for Schedule SE).
To enter data for these worksheets, go to the
screen in the Taxes folder. To view these worksheets in Form view, go to the Clergy folder in the list of forms.


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