Enter foreign taxes paid on foreign dividend income

Do the following to enter data for foreign taxes paid on foreign dividend income and report it on Schedule B:
  1. Go to the
  2. Select the
    tab. Only use the
    screen if you want to enter a consolidated 1099.
  3. Open the
    Dividend income
    statement and complete these fields:
    • F/S:
      If the dividend income is federal-only or state-only, code it as federal or state. If the dividend income should be reported on both federal and state, leave this field blank.
    • TSJ:
      Code the dividend income to the Taxpayer, the Spouse, or as Joint. This field doesn't exist if you come from the
      screen because the entire
      screen is coded to the Taxpayer, Spouse, or Joint and the
      Dividend income
      statement automatically picks up the code from there.
    • Type Code:
      Leave blank.
    • Payer name:
      Enter the payer name.
    • Ordinary Dividend:
      Enter ordinary dividend amounts from Form 1099-DIV, foreign or not. Don't enter tax-exempt dividends in this field.
    • Qualified Dividend:
      Enter qualified dividend amounts from Form 1099-DIV, foreign or not. Don't enter tax-exempt dividends in this field.
    • Total Cap Gain:
      Enter total capital gain distribution amounts from Form 1099-DIV or similar statements, foreign or not.
    • Foreign Ord Div:
      Enter the amount of foreign ordinary dividends. If the foreign amount is the same as the
      Ordinary Dividend
      amount, you can skip this field and mark the
      X if Foreign
      field. Select Foreign columns if this field doesn't show.
    • Foreign Qual Div:
      Enter the amount of foreign qualified dividends. If the foreign amount is the same as the
      >Qualified Dividend
      amount, you can skip this field and mark the
      X if Foreign
    • Foreign Cap Gain:
      Enter the amount of foreign capital gains. If the foreign amount is the same as the
      Total Cap Gain
      amount, you can skip this field and mark the
      X if Foreign
    • Foreign Tax Paid:
      Enter the amount of foreign taxes paid on foreign source income to calculate Form 1116.
    • X if Foreign:
      Mark this field to indicate there's foreign source income in this line. If you mark this, UltraTax CS uses the
      Foreign Tax Paid
      amount and the
      Foreign Ord Div
      Foreign Qual Div
      , or
      Foreign Cap Gain
      amounts to calculate Form 1116. If you didn't enter an amount in those fields, UltraTax CS uses the
      Ordinary Dividends
      Qualified Dividends
      , or
      Total Gap Gains
    • FATCA:
      if the FATCA checkbox is marked in the source document. There may be additional filing requirements for Form 8938 and/or FinCEN Form 114. Review the filing instructions for more information.
  4. For fields that were skipped during these steps, fill them in as needed for your client or to get the result you need on Schedule B.
  5. Go to the
    folder and select the
    screen to complete any additional data entry you need to get the result you need on Form 1116.

Nominee amount adjustments

If you need to make an adjustment for nominee amounts, don't manually adjust the total dividend amount. Instead, do the following:
  1. Create a 2nd line in the
    Dividend income
  2. Enter code
    in the
    Type code
  3. Enter the adjustment as a positive amount in the same column that you entered the total dividend income in.
UltraTax CS calculates a subtotal of items with type code 3 and subtracts the nominee amount on Schedule B.
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