Electronic funds withdrawal for Form 3519 extension

The California Franchise Tax Board lets you pay your California extension via electronic funds withdrawal when you e-file.
Use the
screen to generate Form 3519. According to FTB guidelines, the application doesn't create an electronic file for extensions if there's no payment amount.

Conditions to generate electronic records, signature forms, and filing instructions

To create the e-file for the From 3519 extension, electronic filing signature Form 8453(PMT) or Form 8879(PMT), and the related filing instructions, you'll need to meet all the following conditions:
  • On the federal
    • File the return electronically
      checkbox is marked.
    • Suppress the creation of State electronic file(s)
      is blank.
    • Suppress the creation of Both federal and state electronic files
      is blank.
  • On the federal
    screen, the
    Daytime telephone
    is entered.
  • On the
    Suppress California e-file
    is blank.
  • On the
    screen, the
    Enable electronic funds withdrawal for extension payment
    field is marked.
  • On Form 3519, the payment amount is greater than zero.
  • On the federal
    screen or the
    screen, you have bank information for the primary account:
    • Routing transit number.
    • Name of financial institution.
    • Depositor account number.
    • Type of account.
  • If the taxpayer is authorizing electronic funds withdrawal using a PIN, you'll need to meet the following conditions on the
    screen to print Form 8879(PMT):
    • Suppress California use of PIN
      field is blank.
    • Signature date
      fields are completed.
    • PIN authorization indicator
      is completed.
    • PIN
      fields for Taxpayer (and Spouse) are completed.

Form 3519 text

When electronic funds withdrawal for an extension is authorized, Form 3519 prints with reminder text indicating that the form shouldn't be submitted because the payment is being made by electronic funds withdrawal.
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