Electronic filing guidelines for the 1041 screen

Refer to the following field descriptions for information about entering data on the 1041 screen.
Type of entity
You can file electronically a decedent's estate, simple trust, complex trust, or grantor trust and the amended returns for these estate or trusts. UltraTax CS doesn't prepare an electronic return for an agency, bankruptcy estate, charitable trust, electing small business trust, pooled income fund, or qualified funeral trust.
Family name for electronic filing name control
UltraTax CS uses the information entered to calculate the name control for the filed return electronically. Leaving this field and the
Name control (Force)
field on the
screen blank causes the return to be rejected for electronic filing.
Bankruptcy estate
UltraTax CS doesn't prepare an electronic file for Bankruptcy estate - Ch 7 returns, Bankruptcy estate - Ch 11 returns, or Qualified Disability Trust returns.
Split-interest trust type
Split-interest trust returns file Form 5227, which is eligible for electronic filing.
The ability to electronically file Form 5227 was added on April 27, 2023.
Prepare Form 1040NR
Nonresident alien trust returns file Form 1040NR, which isn't eligible for electronic filing. You'll need to file these types of returns on paper.
Special processing
Information you enter displays on the return you're filing, but isn't included in the electronic file.


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