Electronic funds withdrawal (EFW) data entry for estimated tax payments

Enter the following information for an electronic funds withdrawal (EFW) with estimated tax payments.
Calculate estimates
  1. Go to the Est screen in the Payments folder.
  2. Enter a code in the
    1120-W - 2018 declaration
  3. Depending on the code you enter, you may need to enter more data in the fields following the code.
  4. If you want to apply an overpayment to the estimates, fill out the Overpayment Application section of this screen.
  5. Enter any payment information in the Payments section on the PmtExt screen in the Payments folder. Amounts you enter here can affect estimate amounts.
Client phone number
: Go to the 1120 screen in the General folder and enter the
Client phone number
in the 1120 and 1120S Information section.
Bank information
: Go to the Bank screen in the General folder and enter the bank information.
Turn on EFW
  1. Go to the ELF screen in the Electronic Filing folder.
  2. Mark the
    Electronic funds withdrawal for Form 1120-W estimated payments
  • If you're filing a return after the due date of the estimated tax payments, you need to make the estimated payments through the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS). Clear the
    Electronic funds withdrawal for Form 1120-W estimated payments
    field in the ELF screen in the Electronic Filing folder. Then select the EFT option in the
    Estimate filing instruction
    field in the Letter screen in the General folder.
  • Withdrawal date fields aren't available since the IRS withdraws estimates on the 15th of the month (adjusted for weekends and holidays).
  • You can't e-file estimates separately or with extensions. You need to e-file estimates with the return.
E-filing information
: EFW is only available for returns filed electronically.
  1. Go to the ELF screen in the Electronic Filing folder and mark
    File this return electronically
  2. Before transmitting the extension to the IRS, select
    , then the
    ELF Critical
    tab and clear all ELF Critical diagnostics.


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