Section 1.163(j)-9 election for an excepted trade or business

This field is found on each of the activity screens, including the 1120 screen. The field on the 1120 screen pertains to the income reported on Page 1 of the corporate return.
A taxpayer engaged in a real property trade, business, or a farming business may elect not to limit business interest expense under section 163(j) for that trade or business.
Enter data in the
Section 1.163(j)-9 election
statement window in the
screen in the
folder to make the election in the current year. The election is irrevocable and you're required to use the alternative depreciation system (ADS) for certain types of property.
(if the corporation has made an election under section 1.163(j)-9 in the prior year or is making the election in the current year. The application proformas this field from the prior year.
The business interest expense from activities that have elected not to limit business interest expense won't be included on Form 8990, line 1. If all activities have elected not to limit business interest expense, Form 8990 won't print unless there's excess business interest expense, excess taxable income, or excess business interest income from a pass-through entity.
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