Adobe Reader and Acrobat considerations

Supported versions

Many CS Professional Suite applications integrate with supported versions of Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader. While not supported, CS Professional Suite applications may work with other third-party PDF applications like Nitro PDF, Foxit PDF, and Nuance PDF.

Printing PDFs to CS Professional Suite applications

CS Professional Suite applications don't support third-party PDF print drivers like Adobe PDF Printer and CutePDF, even though they may work.
When you print a PDF to a CS Professional Suite application, the application generates an image for each page, which may result in a significant increase in file size. To avoid using up all of your available storage space, we recommend you embed PDFs in CS Professional Suite applications whenever possible.
We recommend that you turn on the
Print as Image
option in Adobe's advanced PDF print settings so that all fonts are rendered correctly.

Other settings

We recommend running Adobe and CS Professional Suite applications as an administrator so that they can communicate properly, and avoid permission problems.
We recommend turning the
Enable Protected Mode at startup
option off in Adobe applications.
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