Antivirus guidelines for CS Professional Suite applications
We recommend you keep your antivirus application up to date because CS Professional Suite applications contain sensitive information. Consult with a qualified IT professional to select, implement, and set up antivirus application for your firm.
We don't recommend temporarily disabling your antivirus application as an alternative to setting the following exceptions. Many antivirus applications keep running after you disable it.
Exclude specific folders from scanning
Some antivirus applications let you create exclusions or exceptions from scanning for specific folder locations. We recommend that you exclude the following folders from real-time scanning on all workstations that run the applications listed. Continue to include these folders in scheduled, off-hours scanning.
Your IT professional should complete this setup.
All applications
X:\WinCSI (where X is the drive hosting the WinCSI folder)
You can create multiple data and archive locations that could be outside of the default X:\WinCSI folder. We recommend that you exclude these folders from scanning.
Some antivirus applications don't let you exclude entire folders, but you can exclude specific files. Continue to include these files in scheduled, off-hours scanning.
Your IT professional should complete this setup.
All applications
X:\Program Files (x86)\Thomson Reuters\Desktop Authenticator\ThomsonReuters.Authenticator.Desktop.BrowserHandler.exe (executable file for single sign-on)
Accounting CS
X:\WinCSI\Accounting CS\Accounting CS.exe (executable file for Accounting CS)
X:\WinCSI\Accounting CS\csiupd.exe (executable file for CS Connect)
C:\WinCSI\Tools\connectbgdl.exe (executable file for CS Connect background services)
FileCabinet CS
X:\WinCSI\Cabinet\fcabapp.exe (executable file for FileCabinet CS)
X:\WinCSI\Cabinet\fcab.exe (executable file for FileCabinet CS)
X:\WinCSI\Cabinet\csiupd.exe (executable file for CS Connect)
X:\WinCSI\Cabinet\Desktop\setup.exe (executable file for FileCabinet CS desktop setup)
X:\WinCSI\Tools\connectbgdl.exe (executable file for CS Connect background services)
X:\WinCSI\Tools\UTLicYY\setup.exe (executable file for license installation, where YY represents the last 2 digits of the year version of UltraTax CS)
Fixed Assets CS
X:\WinCSI\DSW\dsw.exe (executable file for Fixed Assets CS)
X:\WinCSI\DSW\dswapp.exe (executable file for Fixed Assets CS)
X:\WinCSI\DSW\Desktop\setup.exe (executable file for Fixed Assets CS desktop setup)
X:\WinCSI\DSW\csiupd.exe (executable file for CS Connect)
X:\WinCSI\Tools\connectbgdl.exe (executable file for CS Connect background services)
X:\WinCSI\Tools\UTLicYY\setup.exe (executable file for license installation, where YY represents the last 2 digits of the year version of UltraTax CS)
Planner CS
X:\WinCSI\UTP\UTP.exe (executable file for Planner CS)
X:\WinCSI\UTP\UTPKEYS.exe (executable file for Planner CS)
X:\WinCSI\UTP\Desktop\setup.exe (executable file for Planner CS desktop setup)
X:\WinCSI\UTP\CSIUPD.exe (executable file for CS Connect)
X:\WinCSI\UTP\UTPCON.exe (executable file for CS Connect)
Practice CS
X:\WinCSI\Practice CS\CreativeSolutions.Practice.exe (executable file for Practice CS)
X:\WinCSI\Practice CS\csiupd.exe (executable file for CS Connect)
X:\WinCSI\Tools\connectbgdl.exe (executable file for CS connect background services)
SQL files (Accounting CS, Practice CS, Workpapers CS, and optionally FileCabinet CS)
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Shared\sqlbrowser.exe (executable file for SQL Browser)
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL[version].[instance]\MSSQL\Binn\sqlservr.exe (primary executable file for Microsoft SQL Server suite)
UltraTax CS
X:\WinCSI\UTYY\utwYY.exe (executable file for UltraTax CS, where YY represents the last 2 digits of the year version of UltraTax CS)
X:\WinCSI\UTYY\csiupd.exe (executable file for CS Connect)
X:\WinCSI\UTYY\utwYYk1.exe (executable file for UltraTax CS Bar Code Scan)
X:\WinCSI\UTYY\utwYYsde.exe (executable file for UltraTax CS Source Data Entry)
X:\WinCSI\UTYY\Desktop\setup.exe (executable file for UltraTax CS desktop setup)
X:\WinCSI\Tools\connectbgdl.exe (executable file for CS Connect background services)
X:\WinCSI\Tools\UTLicYY\setup.exe (executable file for UltraTax CS license installation)
X:\WinCSI\Workpapers CS\WorkpapersCS.exe (executable file for Workpapers CS)
X:\WinCSI\Workpapers CS\csiupd.exe (executable file for CS Connect)
X:\WinCSI\Tools\connectbgdl.exe (executable file for CS Connect background services)
Exclude specific files from scanning
Some antivirus applications let you exclude specific file extensions from real-time scanning. Continue to include these file types in scheduled, off-hours scanning.
Your IT professional should complete this setup.
Virtual Office CS or SaaS environment
C:\Program Files\FSLogix\Apps\frxdrv.sys
C:\Program Files\FSLogix\Apps\frxdrvt.sys
C:\Program Files\FSLogix\Apps\frxccd.sys
Exclude specific file types from scanning
Some antivirus applications let you exclude specific file extensions from real-time scanning. Continue to include these file types in scheduled, off-hours scanning.
Your IT professional should complete this setup.
Accounting CS, Practice CS, SQL Server, and Workpapers CS
mdf, ldf, bdf, and bak
FileCabinet CS
ccd and cci
Planner CS
UltraTax CS
ut* (where * is a wildcard) and zpd
Virtual Office CS or SaaS environment
Configuration tips
Thomson Reuters doesn't endorse a specific vendor or application for antivirus protection. Contact your software vendor for more help with configuration.
Make sure that your environment and operating system meet the requirements for your antivirus application.
Schedule automatic scans during off-business hours.
Don't let workstations do real-time scans on server drives. Let the server scan its own drives to reduce network delays and minimize interference with traffic.
You might need to exclude any antispyware and antimalware applications from scanning.