Application crashes when you data mine, open, or proforma a client

If UltraTax CS crashes when you try to data mine, open, or proforma a client, view the following information to determine how to resolve the issue.

Not responding

If UltraTax CS says "Not responding," that could be an indication that the client is taking longer to open or proforma. As a 1st step, wait to see if the process continues on its own.
Large clients will take longer to open or complete. Clients with numerous K1s, state, shareholders, partners, assets, or consolidated returns are considered large. Go to
Open Client
to view the client complexity, which is a good measure of how large a client file is. A complexity value greater than 500 is considered as a large client file.

Try another workstation

If possible, go to another workstation and try to data mine, open, or proforma the client.
  • If this works, the client isn't corrupt. This is an indication that there's something environmental preventing the client from opening or proformaing at the original workstation.
  • If this doesn’t work, the client is likely corrupt.

Try a different client

Try to open or proforma a different client of the same entity type.
  • If the proforma for another client works, the original client is likely corrupt.
  • If the proforma for another client doesn't work, the entity may need to be reinstalled. Otherwise, there could be an environmental issue interfering with the application files for this entity.

Rebuild the client list

If the client is listed in the data mining or proforma window but it consistently freezes, or if you can't find the client file but know it's there, a rebuild might be necessary.  To do this, select
, then
Rebuild Client List

Restore client data

If, after testing, you determine that the client is corrupt, the best option is to restore the client from a backup. If you use a third-party backup system or software, consult your qualified IT professional to restore the client data.
You may also try to restore client folders in the
folder (where YY represents the year of UltraTax CS) using
Windows Backup
if you have system protection enabled. Consult your firm's IT professional for assistance using Windows Backup.
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