Desktop setup loop

If UltraTax CS, Fixed Assets CS, or FileCabinet CS repeatedly warn that a desktop setup needs to be performed, even after following the prompts to run the desktop setup, try each of the following to resolve the issue. After each step, attempt to open the application.

Run the desktop setup as administrator

  1. Go to one of the following locations, depending on which application is prompting you to run the setup.
    • UltraTax CS: WinCSI\UTYY\Desktop, where
      represents the year of UltraTax CS
    • Fixed Assets CS: WinCSI\DSW\Desktop
    • FileCabinet CS: WinCSI\CABINET\Desktop
  2. Right-click
    and select
    Run as Administrator

Uninstall and reinstall Microsoft Visual C++

  1. Find the version of C++ that the CS application you are having trouble with uses.
  2. Uninstall the version of C++ that you found in step 1. Consult your IT professional for assistance, as C++ is a Microsoft component outside of the CS Professional Suite.
  3. Go to one of the following locations, depending on which application is prompting you to run the setup.
    • UltraTax CS: WinCSI\UTYY\Desktop\vcredist_x86, where
      represents the year of UltraTax CS
    • Fixed Assets CS: WinCSI\DSW\Desktop\vcredist_x86
    • FileCabinet CS: WinCSI\CABINET\Desktop\vcredist_x86
  4. Open the folder that corresponds with the version of C++ you uninstalled. You need to repeat this step for each version of C++ affected.
  5. Double-click
  6. Select

Update Microsoft Windows OS

Verify that Windows is up to date and install any missing updates.
This icon appears alongside links to resources that are not developed or maintained by Thomson Reuters. We provide access to these resources for your convenience, but we're not responsible for their accuracy. If you need additional assistance, please consult your qualified technician and/or the vendor who developed the resource.

Install the English Windows language pack

Consult your IT professional to verify that the English Windows language pack is properly installed.
This icon appears alongside links to resources that are not developed or maintained by Thomson Reuters. We provide access to these resources for your convenience, but we're not responsible for their accuracy. If you need additional assistance, please consult your qualified technician and/or the vendor who developed the resource.

Rename the Prereqchk.dll file within the Desktop folder

This is a last resort. Following these steps could affect everyone on the network and may cause UltraTax CS not to install required components during the desktop setup, as well as potentially causing the application to crash.
  1. Go to one of the following locations, depending on which application is prompting you to run the setup.
    • UltraTax CS: WinCSI\UTYY\Desktop, where
      represents the year of UltraTax CS
    • Fixed Assets CS: WinCSI\DSW\Desktop
    • FileCabinet CS: WinCSI\CABINET\Desktop
  2. Right-click
    and select
  3. Add
    to the file name.
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