Error: C015000F in module C:\windows\sys\wow64\ntdll.dll context stack


When you're trying to open UltraTax CS, you may receive the error:
Error message
C015000F in module C:\windows\sys\wow64\ntdll.dll context stack.


  1. Make sure the Windows operating system is up-to-date by going to the
    menu, then
    All Programs
    Windows updates
    . Install any important Windows updates and reboot the workstation.
  2. Disable the User Account Control (UAC) setting and reboot the workstation by following this Microsoft help topic.
  3. Run the desktop setup again as ad administrator (
    where X represents the drive to which UltraTax CS is installed and yy represents the version of the application).
  4. Open the application.
If the previous steps don't resolve the issue, check to see if the application is using an UNC path or mapped network drive:
  1. Right-click on the UltraTax CS shortcut icon and select
  2. In the Shortcut tab, check the path in the Target box:
    • If the path is showing the UNC path, e.g.
      where yy  represents the version of the application, change the path to the mapped network drive.
    • If the path is showing the mapped network drive, e.g.
      where X represents the drive to which UltraTax CS is installed and yy represents the version of the application, change the path to the UNC path.
  3. Change the path in the
    Start In
    box as well.
  4. Select
  5. Open the application.
If toggling between the UNC path and mapped network drive doesn't resolve the issue:
  1. Go to
    , where X represents the drive to which UltraTax CS is installed and yy represents the version of the application.
  2. Look for the UltraTax CS user preference file file, which is named
    _yUSUMSC.[user ID]
    , where y represents the version of UltraTax CS and [user ID] is the user's Windows ID.
    • If the file exists for the user, rename or delete the file.
    • If the file doesn't exist for the user, create a duplicate of an existing user preference file and rename the file with the correct user ID.
  3. Open the application.
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