Error: Cannot claim proforma screen lock

The proforma window screen lock is data-location specific. It's possible to have a staff member in the Proforma window within each separate data location simultaneously.
As a result, when a user accesses the Proforma window, UltraTax CS creates a screen lock in the $TAXSID folder in the active data location (for example, if the active data location is
, the screen lock would be created in
). The following error will generate if the application is unable to create this lock file:
Internal error message:
Cannot claim proforma screen lock.
This error occurs anytime the current-year data location is specified as an unwritable location (for example, a CD-ROM drive or a folder with inadequate permissions) and an attempt is made to access the Proforma window by selecting
. Therefore, the problem is with the current-year data location of UltraTax CS, not the prior year.
To resolve this issue, change the application data locations in
System Configuration
, then
Data Locations
, making sure to use a writable location that's available and open to all computers on the network using the application.
Here are some potential scenarios, which may have led up to this issue:
  • The application was installed while sitting at the server, which is not recommended when installing non-SQL applications within the CS Professional Suite. In this case, if the application were installed at the server, it may have been pointed to the D:\ partition, which would likewise set the data locations to reside on the D:\ drive, as well. However, at each workstation, the D:\ drive is likely a CD-ROM drive, which will be unwritable to UltraTax CS. In this situation, while this problem will likely disappear if the data locations are simply modified, to avoid future complications it is highly recommended to uninstall the application and reinstall while sitting at a workstation.
  • The data location points to a network location, which is inaccessible to one or more users on the network, or on whose computers the location hasn’t yet been mapped as a network drive.
  • The shared network folder in which the UltraTax CS data locations reside has inadequate permission settings, which are restricting user access, and in turn preventing UltraTax CS from successfully creating the required proforma screen lock. To test this scenario, access the location set as the data location in the current year of UltraTax CS using Windows Explorer and attempt to create a new file or folder. If an error occurs, permissions are likely to blame.
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