Error: The client files can not be accessed for reading and writing


This error prevents users from opening a client in UltraTax CS. Typically, the error affects only one specific client in the application.
Error message
The client files can not be accessed for reading and writing


This error is generally an indication that the file didn't close properly and is still open on the server.


  1. Sign to your server as the Administrator.
  2. Select
    Administrative Tools
    , then
    Share and Storage Management
  3. Select the drive where the data resides then select
    Manage Open Files
  4. In the list of files listed in the right pane, go to the file that's open then close it.
  5. If that doesn't resolve the error, have all users close out of UltraTax CS. Then, close all open files that reference the UTYY directory, where YY represents the version of UltraTax CS.
  6. If you're still experiencing the error, the last option is to reboot your server.
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