Error: Cannot open XXXX: Failed to replicate client

This error occurs when you try to open a client that has a discourage access status event associated with it and then you select the
replicate client with cleared status events
treat replicated client as temporary; delete it upon closing
options. The error results from the client data being locked and unable to be accessed.
Error message
Couldn’t copy Fixed Asset files.
The most common reason for this is that the client is open in another year of UltraTax CS or in Fixed Assets CS, so the 1st step after getting this error is to verify that the client isn't open in another year of UltraTax CS or in Fixed Assets CS.
If the client isn't open in another application, other potential causes and resolutions are:
  • A lock file for the client wasn't cleared when the client was closed and needs to be deleted within UltraTax CS. To do so, select
    File Locks
    , then delete the client lock if there is one.
  • A depreciation lock file needs to be cleared, but it's not present in
    , then
    File Locks
    and needs to be manually cleared. This is done through Windows by going to
    , where X is the drive the data resides on, and manually deleting the lock.
  • Another option is to select the
    Open completed client in read-only mode preventing all updates
    option rather than the
    Replicate client with cleared status events
    option when trying to open the client.
  • In addition, the error may occur if the client files have become corrupt and can't be copied. If the client doesn’t have any depreciation data, you can try renaming the depreciation data for the folder for the client and see if the client can be replicated.
To do so, follow these steps.
  1. Go to
    , where X is the drive where the data is stored.
  2. Go to the folder that corresponds to the Client ID.
  3. Right-click on the folder and select
  4. Rename the folder with
    so that a folder named Smith123 would be renamed to Smith123.old.
  5. Open the client in UltraTax CS and select the option to replicate the client.
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