Error: DynaZip Unzip Error ZIP File read error


You may get the following error message when trying to apply CS Connect updates or restoring a client from a CSD file.
Error message
DynaZip Unzip Error ZIP File read error!


This issue happens if the CS Connect ZPD update file or the client CSD file was damaged at some point during the download or creation process.

Solution 1: Error during CS Connect update

To correct the issue for CS Connect updates, delete the ZPD update files, then re-download and apply the CS Connect updates. The locations for the update files include:
  • UltraTax CS: X:\WinCSI\UTYY\Updates
  • FileCabinet CS: X:\WinCSI\Cabinet\updates
  • Fixed Assets CS: X:\WinCSI\DSW\updates

Error 2: Error when restoring CSD file

If this error happened while restoring a client from a CSD file, then the CSD file is damaged and you need to create a new one.
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