Error: Terminal server detected, license not validated

Follow these steps to troubleshoot the error message "Terminal Server detected, licenses not validated."
You may see this error message when:

You want to run the CS application in a terminal server environment but aren't properly licensed.

In this scenario, you need to purchase a terminal server license for the CS application to run in Terminal Services or Remote Desktop Services. Contact your CS Sales representative if you need a terminal server license.

You've purchased Terminal Server licenses, but haven't downloaded the new license files yet.

When you upgrade licenses after you install the application, you need to download new copies of the licenses after the upgrade. Also, if you are moving to a Terminal Server, you will most likely need to reinstall the application in order for it to work correctly. New licenses are downloaded as part of the reinstallation process.

You don't use Terminal Services or intend to run the CS application in a terminal server environment.

There are 2 reasons for this:
  1. You have Terminal Services or Remote Desktop Services enabled on your server but you don't use them. Enabling Terminal Services or Remote Desktop Services triggers the terminal server error message. To learn more, see the Microsoft Disable Terminal Services connection.
  2. You have the Application Server role enabled on your server. The Application Server role lets more than 2 people access the server and it triggers the terminal server error message. To learn more, see the Microsoft Application Server Role.
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