Error: The maximum allowed bitmap size is 6 inches wide by 8 inches high

If you get this error when you're trying to insert an image into an UltraTax CS client document, check the size of the image first. If the image is over 6 inches wide by 8 inches high, then it's too large to insert into UltraTax CS client documents. If the image is smaller than 6 by 8 inches and you still get the error message, verify that the image was scanned in at a resolution of less than 100 DPI (dots per inch). If it was scanned in at a higher resolution, then UltraTax CS will consider the image to be larger than its logical dimension.
To find the size and resolution of the image, you can open the file in
Microsoft Paint
and check the image properties.
  1. Select
    on your keyboard.
  2. Type
    (it does not matter where the cursor is, just start typing).
  3. Select
    Paint option
    in the search results.
  4. Select
    Ctrl + O
    to find and open an image.
  5. Select
    Ctrl + E
    to edit the image properties.
  6. In the Image Properties window, select
    Inches option
    and note the image size displayed in the Width and Height fields. The resolution is displayed on this window as well.
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