Error: Utwappe.exe cannot be written to when trying to apply updates and installing an application


If you're running UltraTax CS 2012 or an earlier version, you may receive this error.
Error message
utwapp.exe cannot be written to when trying to install UltraTax CS or apply updates through CS Connect


This error typically indicates that someone else on the network has that version of UltraTax CS open or that the CS Connect Background Service is running on one of the workstations.


  1. Verify that no one has UltraTax CS opened and that no workstation has the CS Connect Applying Updates window open. Close any open UltraTax CS applications and/or windows.
  2. If the previous step doesn’t resolve the issue, sign in to the server's console and close any open files that reference the year of UltraTax CS you're trying to apply updates for.
  3. The last option would be to restart your server.
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