Missing or lost data

If all client data, other than the Social Security Number (SSN) or Employer Identification Number (EIN), is missing after opening the client, the following instructions may help recover the missing data.


Follow these steps to determine if the data can be recovered:
  1. Close the client in UltraTax CS.
  2. Go to the client's data directory,
    , where Z is the drive letter where the data is stored, YY represents the UltraTax CS version/year of the application, and XXXX represents the client ID.
  3. Determine whether the client data folder contains the following file: 
    , where XXXX is the Client ID. The underscore indicates that this is a temporary file and is intended to replace the .UTY file automatically. Sometimes this process is interrupted.
  4. If the
    file exists, locate the
    file, where Y is the UltraTax CS version/year of the application. Rename this file to
    . To rename the file, right-click on the file and select
  5. Rename the
    XXXX.UT_ file
    , where .UTY represents the year of UltraTax and XXXX is the Client ID (for example, XXXX.UT8).
  6. Reopen the client and the information should be restored. When you determine that the data was recovered, you may delete the .OLD file.
If you're unable to recover the missing data following the steps earlier, then the next best option is to restore the client from backup. If you use a third-party backup system or software, consult your qualified IT professional to restore the client data.
You may also try to restore the client files in the UT22Data folder using
Windows Backup
if you have system protection enabled. For instructions, refer to the "Can I restore a file or folder that was deleted or renamed?" section of Microsoft's topic on restoring previous versions of a file and folder.
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