Review diagnostic messages

UltraTax CS gives helpful messages to alert you if there's incorrect data or if more information is needed for your tax return. Here's how you can see these messages:
  • Select Diagnostics
  • Select
    , then
  • Use CTRL+D.
A window will open with different tabs showing messages based on the information you've entered into the return.
You can keep this window open while you work, moving it around or resizing it as you like. If you have a 2nd monitor, you can even drag it over there. When you're done with it, select the close button at the top of the window.
Selecting a message will take you straight to the part of the return that needs your attention.
UltraTax CS keeps the diagnostic messages current, updating them every time you add or change data.

Tab sections on the

Here's what you'll find in each tab of the Diagnostics window:
  • Critical
    : This tab shows urgent messages about missing data or significant issues that could mess up the return. Make sure to fix these before you file.
  • ELF Critical
    : Here, you'll find messages that you need to clear up before you can file the return electronically. This tab only shows up if you're planning to file online.
  • Overrides
    : If you've changed any preset values in the return, you'll see them listed here with details about what's been overridden. This tab only displays if there are overrides.
  • FYI
    : This tab points out important things in the return that might not need action. To move these diagnostics to the acknowledged list, right-click a diagnostic and select
    . This tab also includes any force field that has data entry. To turn off specific FYI diagnostic messages, select
    Office Configuration
    , then the
    tab. These settings will transfer over each year.
  • Forms Approval
    : If you're using a form that the tax authority hasn't officially approved yet, it will show up here. This tab only displays when you have such a form in your return.
  • Tickmarks
    : This tab tracks forms or input screens with fields you've marked with a tick and shows any changes since you added the tick. It's only visible if you've used tick marks.
  • Watch
    : This tab shows important numbers from your tax return that you might want to keep an eye on. If you freeze the tab, any changes to these numbers will show up in red, so you can easily spot them. You can also pick which numbers you want to watch by adding or removing fields.
  • To Do
    : Here, you'll find a list of things you need to complete, like missing information and tasks related to events or other impromptu items. If you want to mark an impromptu task as acknowledged, select it, right-click, and select
    . If you need to make changes to a task, right-click the task and select
    Edit To Do
  • Complexity
    : Mark the
    Display the Client Complexity factor
    checkbox in the
    menu under
    User Preferences
    and the
    tab to see how complex your client's tax situation is. UltraTax CS calculates this complexity score based on the tax forms and schedules in the client's return. It uses default values, but you can change these by selecting
    , the type of entity, then adjusting the Client Complexity.
  • Input Screen Overrules
    : This tab lists any numbers on input screens that you've decided to override. UltraTax CS shows numbers you haven't acknowledged yet at the beginning of the list, with those you've already acknowledged following. This tab will only show up if there are overridden amounts in the current tax return.
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