Knowledge Base Authentication for eSignature

UltraTax CS uses a Knowledge Based Authentication (KBA) process to verify the identity of the taxpayer to allow electronic signatures according to IRS publication 1345.
The client has 3 attempts to pass the KBA process. For each failure, you'll need to re-assemble and send the eSignature documents.
After 3 failed tries to pass the process, the client won't be able to sign documents electronically and will need to manually sign them.

KBA process questions

  • For each attempt to pass the KBA process, the client will be given 4 questions based on public records and databases.
  • The client needs to answer 3 of these questions correctly to pass the KBA process.
  • The client can skip 1 question. The KBA process will replace the question that was skipped.
  • For clients who file married filing joint, both the taxpayer and spouse needs to successfully complete the KBA process.

KBA process time limits

  • The client will have 5 minutes to complete the KBA process. After 5 minutes, the KBA process will fail.
  • The client can access each KBA session once. If the internet browser has a timeout period or is closed during the KBA process, the process will fail.

Clients ineligible for KBA

In some cases, the KBA process won't be able to generate questions and therefore the client is ineligible for KBA.
The KBA process may not be able to generate questions for a client for the following reasons:
  • An incorrect Name, TIN, date of birth, or address has been entered into UltraTax CS.
  • The client doesn't have enough public records because they're too young or have recently moved to the country.
Clients ineligible for the KBA process will need to manually sign form 8879. If you attempt to resubmit the eSignature documents, it will fail again.
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