Set up your user preferences

You can set the following user preferences in Westlaw
  • Profile
    • Customize your Time Zone or Jurisdiction.
  • Billing
    • Adjust the pricing for your session and deliveries. Changes take place the next time you sign in.
  • Notifications
    • You can modify your notification preferences.
  • Search
    • You can modify how Westlaw displays your search results based on the area you're searching under.
  • History
    • You can request a summary of your Westlaw sessions every time you sign off.
  • Research
    features and suggestions
    • You may want to modify Westlaw's search and integration features.
  • Delivery
    • You can choose Normal or Large font size in this section. This is also where you can adjust how Westlaw delivers the documents you print, email, or download.
  • Copy Citation & Copy with Reference
    • You can edit Westlaw's citation format and style, and make changes to the advice Westlaw offers.
To open your preferences, select Access your user profile and edit preferences.
on the home page, then select
Preferences in Westlaw
do not currently include a Dark Mode option.