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For family offices, reputational due diligence is critical for making direct investments

Jeremy Hirsch   Managing Director / StoneTurn

· 5 minute read

Jeremy Hirsch   Managing Director / StoneTurn

· 5 minute read

Reputational due diligence and post-investment monitoring are crucial practices for private wealth management advisory firms that serve high-net worth families or individuals

In the world of direct investments, family offices — private wealth management advisory firms that serve high-net-worth individuals — are increasingly becoming major players. As traditional M&A activity has been slow to rebound, direct investments — an investment in a private company which is typically sufficiently large enough to affect a company’s subsequent decisions — can be very attractive to family members and those running family office investment portfolios looking to diversify and generate returns beyond traditional investment vehicles.

However, when navigating the complex landscape of direct investments, family offices need to understand the importance of due diligence and post-investment monitoring. While often lucrative, these investments can be higher-risk opportunities in sectors and geographies that are outside family offices’ traditional focus area and thus they demand rigorous scrutiny. Given the private nature of these investments, it is also prudent for family offices to go beyond their four walls in exploring resources for this process. Direct investment provides greater exposure to the capital source, both financially and reputationally, and the due diligence process should leave no stone unturned.

Understanding the nuances of potential transactions by conducting thorough reputational due diligence is paramount for any investor, particularly during times of economic uncertainty. Due diligence is not just a formality, but rather, it is an imperative process that safeguards the interests of family offices and their beneficiaries. By embracing due diligence as a fundamental aspect of their investment strategy, family offices can navigate the complexities of direct investments with confidence, protecting and growing the wealth and reputations of their clients.

Understanding due diligence

“Do your due diligence,” is a term that investors typically hear throughout the investment lifecycle, but what does that actually mean for family offices?

While due diligence is a comprehensive process of investigation and analysis that should be conducted before entering into any business transaction or investment, in the context of family office direct investments, it involves a meticulous examination of the opportunity with the aim of uncovering previously unknown risks. Reputational due diligence is a comprehensive assessment that goes beyond financial analysis to evaluate the integrity, ethical standing, and overall reputation of a potential investment target. While financial metrics are essential, reputational due diligence addresses the qualitative aspects of an investment, helping family offices uncover hidden risks that may not be immediately apparent, but potentially impactful on the investment.

As many high-profile collapses in fast-moving, highly lucrative industries have demonstrated, it is not always abnormalities in the books and records that may lead to a company’s demise. An executive with a problematic track record with personnel, for example, can be equally if not more damaging than fraud or poor financial recordkeeping. Uncovering these nuances can be critical to not just evaluating whether to make an investment, but to justify the investment’s value and, in some cases, provide leverage when negotiating terms.

The importance of reputational due diligence

There are many reasons family offices should ensure their diligence is ironclad, including:

      • Protecting wealth and preserving legacy — Family offices are custodians of generational wealth, and their investments play a crucial role in preserving and growing that wealth over time. Reputational due diligence acts as a safeguard, protecting family offices from associating with entities that may pose risks to their wealth or tarnish the family’s legacy.
      • Mitigating operational risks — Beyond financial risks, operational risks can significantly affect the success of an investment. Reputational due diligence helps family offices identify potential operational issues, such as management deficiencies, regulatory violations, or ethical lapses, allowing investors to make informed decisions and mitigate these risks before they escalate.
      • Enhancing stakeholder relations — Family offices often operate with a long-term perspective, and their investments are not only financial transactions but strategic partnerships. Reputational due diligence aids in understanding the cultural and ethical alignment between the family office and the investment target, fostering better relationships with stakeholders and reducing the likelihood of conflicts down the line.
      • Navigating regulatory challenges — Regulatory environments can vary significantly across jurisdictions, and family offices that engage in cross-border investments must navigate these complexities. Reputational due diligence helps identify any legal or regulatory issues associated with an investment, ensuring compliance and preventing potential legal entanglements that could arise post-investment.
      • Preserving brand value — The reputation of a family office is intrinsically linked to its brand value. A single investment gone awry can have far-reaching consequences, affecting not only the financial health of the family office but also its standing in the broader business community. Reputational due diligence helps family offices make informed decisions that align with their values and mitigate the risk of negative publicity.

Finally, due diligence also should not be a one-and-done exercise. Family offices should regularly refresh their due diligence on their portfolio investments, ensuring circumstances have not changed and their investment strategy remains sound.

In the ever-evolving landscape of direct investments, family offices must prioritize reputational due diligence as an integral part of their decision-making process. The insights gained through this diligence process provide a comprehensive understanding of potential risks, allowing family offices to make informed and strategic investment decisions that align with their long-term goals and values.

Advocating for robust reputational due diligence is not just a best practice, it is an essential element in safeguarding the interests and legacy of family offices in an increasingly complex investment environment.