Jul 24, 2024 |

Celebrating National Parents’ Day: Stories from Our Teammates

Yesterday was National Parents’ Day—a special occasion dedicated to celebrating the incredible contributions of parents everywhere. In honor of this day, we’re excited to share some heartwarming stories from our team members about their journeys into parenthood. Our parental leave benefit, a key feature of our Flex My Way program, ensures all employees—regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or marital status—receive a global minimum of 16 weeks of leave following the birth or adoption of a child. Join us as we explore how our teammates have embraced this supportive benefit while welcoming new additions to their families.

“Stepping into parenthood these past months has been an absolute joy (and oh-so-humbling). Being able to spend my days getting to know our daughter and watch her learn, explore, and grow was exactly what my heart needed as a first-time mom. I’m thankful for Thomson Reuters’ enhanced parental leave which gave me the time and space to do so. It also leveled up my passion for building and fostering a more equitable world where my daughter can continue to thrive, and where we can all have the freedom, safety, and support to live out our best lives. I am so happy that I get to funnel this energy into our talent, culture, and customer work here at Thomson Reuters.”

Elizabeth holding her baby up above her head. They are both smiling at each other.

Elizabeth, Vice President, Diversity & Inclusion

“I am kicking off 2024 by returning to work after a parental leave with the newest addition to our family, Margo. She joined us in July 2023, and having this time to bond with her, adjust to life with two kiddos, and focus on my family has been wonderful. I am incredibly grateful to my supportive teammates at Thomson Reuters for allowing me to fully be present with my family during this time.”

Holly holding her baby tightly in her arms. The image is a closeup of the newborn with her eyes closed.

Holly, Director, Customer eLearning Programs

“It’s true, there’s still a lingering stigma about taking parental leave, often accompanied by guilt and fear of judgment. But embracing this opportunity is vital for empowering everyone on my team. By leading by example and showing that family matters, I hope to inspire others to do the same without feeling pressured or judged. As a leader, it’s my responsibility to pave the way for positive change and challenge outdated norms. Together, we can create a workplace where all team members feel supported in their personal lives without compromising their professional growth. I’m grateful to work for a company that values family and supports me in taking this important step. Let’s break down barriers, eliminate guilt, and promote a more inclusive workplace together.”

John sitting on a small stool holding up his two children in his arms.

John, Sales Manager

“New year, new role, and a new addition to the family! In August, I had the immense honor of welcoming my sweet baby boy into the world. As a professional woman, navigating the decision to start a family can be overwhelming, especially with considerations of ‘when’ and the potential impact on career advancement. I remember debating whether to have children before or after a promotion. Ultimately, I decided not to let a professional role dictate the timing of such a personal milestone. Reflecting on this journey, I recall my apprehension as I prepared for maternity leave. There was genuine concern that the momentum I had built over the past years would slow, potentially impacting future opportunities. Thankfully, I work with strong and inspiring leaders who supported me during this time and presented me with a promotion while I was on maternity leave. I share my journey with the hope of inspiring other leaders. It’s essential to provide support and acknowledge the growth potential of individuals, even during significant life events like parental leave.”

Heather standing holding her new baby in her arms.

Heather, Director, Client Management

“Last year, my wife and I welcomed our son Tate—more than three weeks ahead of schedule! Thanks to the Thomson Reuters global minimum parental leave policy (16 weeks!), I’ve had the opportunity to bond with my son and learn to be a new parent alongside my wife. I feel immense gratitude for this opportunity to navigate our family’s new adventure in a way most new dads don’t get a chance to.”

Josh standing up smiling while holding his new baby in his arms.

Josh, Senior Partnerships Manager

Thanks to Elizabeth, Holly, John, Heather, and Josh for sharing their stories. To learn more about parental leave and other benefits in our Flex My Way program, check out our digital magazine, The Power of Purpose.
