Inside Thomson Reuters

A small act can make a big difference 

signing up for Covid-19 vaccine

For the past year, it has become clear that the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the look of volunteering. We have seen a shift from in-person events to new virtual volunteering opportunities. To continue our strong spirit of volunteering, we have a new way that employees are able to use their volunteer time through the Small Acts of Kindness program.

Small Acts of Kindness – everyday actions of community service – are more important than ever. Traditionally, Thomson Reuters offers employees 16 hours of paid Volunteer Time Off (VTO) each calendar year to support qualified non-profits and schools. Our employees are now  able to use their paid volunteer time for any Small Acts of Kindness activities

We asked a few members of our Global Volunteer Network to share their small acts of kindness they have taken part in so far.

signing up for Covid-19 vaccine

Helping people secure COVID-19 vaccine appointments

“As the COVID-19 vaccine rollout begins in New Jersey, I have been helping several senior citizens book appointments for their shots. Unfortunately, currently there aren’t enough doses to meet the demand, so finding an appointment requires aggressively checking several vaccine websites for open appointments. I have been checking local hospital websites and vaccine megasites frequently to search for open appointments. Recently I successfully booked vaccine appointments for my parents and am helping an older neighbor and a few of my parents’ friends find appointments.” – Kristin, New Jersey

“I’ve been assisting my parents, in-laws, and an elderly neighbor schedule their COVID-19 vaccines through a website portal at a nearby hospital. It’s very difficult for any of them to get the appointments as they pop up and get taken so quickly and you have to be a bit technologically savvy to book the appointments.” – Michael, Washington

home garden

Donating excess produce

“Over the past year, we’ve been on the receiving end of acts of kindness and have been fortunate enough to share with others too. My husband took up gardening during the pandemic, so we shared the produce from his weekly “harvests.” When the cucumber, green pepper and jalapeno output became enormous, I learned how to make and can pickles. Our neighbors are now fully stocked with dill pickles, bread and butter pickles, pickled jalapenos, pickle relish, pickled peppers!” – Chris, Virginia

We know that time is valuable and we can’t wait to hear other stories of our teammates making an impact in their communities.

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